Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our little procrastinator!!

Well, we are 2 days past due and still no baby yet! I was 1 cm and 80% effaced this past Tuesday. I'm having some irregular contractions, but nothing too intense =( If we don't have a baby by tomorrow night, then we go in for an induction. I'll get a cervidil (cervical "ripener") Sunday night and then pitocin Monday morning. Until then, we are just passing the time. It is odd just waiting around for something to happen. The house is thoroughly cleaned! Chris and I went yesterday and got foot massages and they massaged the pressure points that are supposed to stir up labor. I'm trying anything at this point. I'm officially miserable! We will keep you all posted in the next few days! Will it be a boy or girl? My vote is a little boy that weighs 7#3 oz and Chris votes a girl that weighs 7#9 oz...we'll see...


Alison said...

How exciting!! Are you delivering at your hospital? I LOVED it there. Everyone was super nice. My vote is a girl at 7 lbs 8 oz. But I'm never good at estimating...I thought mine would be around 8 lbs and he was a baby beast! Ha! Good luck, Steph, and can't wait to hear what Baby H is going to be!!!

Jordan and Jenny Stancel said...
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Tara said...

We got Chris's text message last night. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pictures! I love, love, love the name you choose!! And, Chris - good guessing skills!